Thousands of people have already been affected with Fibromyalgia and so far with the kind of technology we have now, there is still no cure for this disease. The treatment process is only geared to alleviate you from pain temporarily. Not only will your muscles be in pain but also your joints where you will suffer other problems such as stiffness. You will also find it hard to sleep thus resulting to constant fatigue. Chinese acupuncture would help you regarding the symptoms.
There are a lot of people who suffer from this disorder that found their relief from acupuncture and other traditional form of healing.
Acupuncture is a method of traditional medicine that can be tolerated with minimal to no side effects therefore patients who have participated in this form of healing will feel better than when they leave their doctor’s offices. Acupuncture needles are used to stimulate the flow of energy into your body. The process of insertion of the needles may feel a little uncomfortable but when they are done properly, you will feel nothing at all. Make sure that you go to a professional acupuncturist who is trained and has mastered the techniques of acupuncture.
Patients with fibromyalgia only receive treatments that are symptom specific just to help them cope with their condition. Acupuncturists will use needles but they will also use warming-up and cupping techniques so that the flow of energy can help cure the joint pain. The entire process only takes a short amount of time and there are a lot of patients who were relieved after the treatment.
However, some patients report that they feel no relief at all and the treatment process can be expensive therefore you need to make sure that you are decided on taking on the therapy. Many patients find relief with continued or repeated therapies and realized that it is something that they need to include in their weekly or monthly budget.
Patients with fibromyalgia greatly benefits from acupuncture especially with regards to pain. However, there is little proof documented about the benefits of the procedure aside from the testimonies of patients who have undergone the procedure. The studies conducted about acupuncture never really did come out beneficial in terms of documentation since it became a mind over matter issue.
Patients who claim to have found relief in the procedure may have been relieved only through their faith and faith is not something that the general population bases their beliefs upon. You might want to consult your physician regarding this procedure and see what they think about the issue. Sometimes, doctors can be accommodating that they will provide the information that you should know.
Sample Essay - Topic: Final Thoughts on Argument
13 years ago
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